No matter who you are and no matter what you’ve done, God loves you and makes promises to you. He wants to shower his blessing on you.

The Bible says in Romans 4:16 “The promise is not only for those people that live under the law of Moses. It is for anyone who lives with faith like Abraham.”

The descendants of Abraham, the Jewish people, lived under the Law of Moses. But Abraham, who became known as the father of faith, came into God’s grace by faith – continuing to hope against all hopelessness. “Abraham believed the Lord and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith” (Genesis 15:6). That same grace is available to anyone and any household today. “It is for anyone who lives with faith like Abraham.”

That is amazing news then, and it is amazing news now! All of us can come to God through faith!

Does “everybody” include big and small households? Yes. Does it mean rich households and poor households? Yes. Does it include households who make a living with their hands and those who make a living with other means? Yes. Does it include households from every country in the world? Does it include households who go to church and households who have never seen a Bible? Yes.

God’s blessing is available to you no matter what – despite what is in your past, your faults, and your weaknesses. When you make a decision to live by faith under Jesus’ lordship, God’s grace flows into your life and those around you. His grace is at work when you’re walking closely with him, but also when you feel far from him.

people in the street

When the Bible says God’s promise is available to all, it gives no preconditions. The heart of God’s promise blessing is this: Jesus came for everyone.

Think about this truth as you go about your day: you’ll never set your eyes upon someone who Jesus did not didn’t die for. That includes your coworker that you like and the one that annoys you every day. That includes your neighbor and those in your household. And that includes the person you see in the mirror every day!

When the Bible says God’s promise is available to all, it gives no preconditions. The heart of God’s promise blessing is this: Jesus came for everyone.

Think about this truth as you go about your day: you’ll never set your eyes upon someone who Jesus did not didn’t die for. That includes your coworker that you like and the one that annoys you every day. That includes your neighbor and those in your household. And that includes the person you see in the mirror every day!


  • How should God’s promised blessing to everyone change how you treat others?
  • How does this promise affect the way you approach God?

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